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Tag: Tiffany & CO

Il tempo di Tiffany

TiffanyI primi segnatempo voluti da Charles Tiffany arrivano nel 1847, dieci anni dopo la fondazione dell’azienda e ci sono poi stati intervalli nella loro produzione. Negli anni ’90 alla Fiera di Basilea lo stand Tiffany ricordava il negozio newyorchese con il suo simbolo, Atlas che sostiene l’orologio (dal 1853 a Broadway e poi in Fifth Avenue).

FirstTiffany watch was born in 1847; the brand was Patek Philippe first dealer in US and had a watch factory in Geneva. In Nineties’ Brand’s booth in Basel show remembered NY boutique with Atlas and the watch. In 2008 watches were produced by Swatch Group. Now Tiffany watches are coming back with a round mechanical collection (swiss self-winding and chronograph movements, design remembers an old watch owned by F.D.Roosvelt) and a peculiar one (East West) but with quartz movement, a real pity.

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